“It’s just an hour…”
Yeah, yeah. But anyone who has trouble sleeping to begin with (Raise your hand if you’re a fellow insomniac like me!) or anyone who has children…. or anyone with a PULSE, really… knows that an hour can really shift your Circadian rhythms.
That being said, I still actually enjoy daylight savings. I love that it’s a reminder that warmer weather is coming. And the days get brighter and longer. But that still doesn’t change the fact that I will have some funky sleep patterns this week!
SO! Here are 3 tips for surviving this week and easing yourself into the new time shift. =)
1) Have a Protein-Heavy Breakfast (and skip the sugars!)
When we’re tired, our appetites change and most of us reach for the carbs and sugars to help give us a boost. Though sugars and starches can give us a quick boost, we’re more likely to crash later in the day eating them. However, if you eat a protein-heavy breakfast, you should find that you’ll feel fulfilled and satisfied for longer than with the sweets.
2) Keep the Wine Bottle Corked
It’s tempting to pour a glass of wine, especially when in the past, it’s helped you sleep. Any others out there like me who feel sleepy when drinking wine? Just me?
However, despite my thoughts of how I THINK I feel sleepy, your body actually starts processing alcohol as a stimulant halfway through digestion. You might find yourself waking up after having fallen asleep after having alcohol. The other side of this coin? Alcohol’s dehydrating effects, which I almost always find myself awake at 3am needing a glass of water.
3) Ignore the Urge To Nap
Look, I am ALL for naps. I love them. And if you find yourself desperately needing to close your eyes, go for it! But if you can resist in the next few days, you will do better so to not throw off your sleep cycle. Also? A good tip if you do decide to power nap… drink a little caffeine prior to falling asleep. One cup of coffee or a can of coke or a cup of tea. The caffeine will help rouse you from your sleep within 20 minutes (ideal napping time and just about the time it takes for caffeine to be metabolized) and result in you not staying asleep for hours by accident. You should wake up brighter and more refreshed!
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