Shower Markers

Shower Markers

Okay, friends–I cannot take credit for this discovery. It was over on CopyBloggers…but how BRILLIANT is this for all writers? As he mentions over on his blog, there is scientific reasoning as to why we all get great ideas in the shower. I personally spend a lot of time in…

RT 2013

RT 2013

I knew this week was approaching rapidly; I knew it was one that I would enviously watch on Facebook and Twitter as others bragged and discussed how much fun they were having. And yet, now that it’s here, I’m even MORE depressed than I thought I’d be that I don’t…

NYC Real Estate

NYC Real Estate

It’s Saturday morning and I’m currently watching a show on HGTV called Selling New York. Since the hubs and I are currently looking to purchase our first home (in Brooklyn, not Manhattan!), I’ve been watching WAY too many of these sorts of shows lately. This particular episode is MIND BOGGLING….